Spiritual Enrichment
Your chapel experience is an important part of Moody Aviation in Spokane's educational program. Attending chapel enhances Christian life and character by encouraging the discipline of corporate worship and addressing Christian living. It also serves as a strategic time to develop campus community. Students, staff, and faculty have the opportunity to influence chapel through input to the associate dean of Student Services.
Student Services facilitates chapel at the Spokane Aviation campus three days per week, except on holidays or during the final week of the academic semester.

Practical Christian Ministry
Completing a Practical Christian Ministry is an integral part of your education at Moody. The student body contributes over 2,000 service hours per semester to the greater Spokane community. About 80 percent of our students serve within the context of a local church, while 20 percent serves in non-profits such as World Relief, Salvation Army, Union Gospel Rescue Mission, life services, and multiple mentoring programs in local public schools.
Upon graduation, many students express the experience of PCM and internships added a natural dimension for them to work out what they learned in the classroom environment. As a Moody student you will have every opportunity to get intentional, practical experience from practitioners who love to work with students.

Missions Conference
An extension of the undergraduate curriculum, the annual Mission Conference reflects a core value of Moody Bible Institute: missions. In partnership with local and national mission agencies, the conference provides an opportunity to learn about global work of God, to worship God through prayer, teaching and preaching, and to contemplate the roles of missions in the life of every Christian