Christopher Rappazini
Department:Applied Theology and Church Ministries
School:Undergraduate in Chicago, Graduate/Seminary in Chicago
Start Date:August 2011
Personal Information:
Dr. Rappazini oversees the Pastoral Studies program at MBI which consists of over 160 students. He also serves as the Interim Lead Preacher/Pastor at Good News Bible Fellowship. He is a former President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and now serves as a Board Member. Previously he served as the Associate Minister of Preaching and Teaching at Southside Church in Spokane, Washington. He has also formerly served as the Interim Lead Pastor at Shiloh Hills Fellowship (Converge) in Spokane, Washington, as well as other various ministry experiences in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, and Massachusetts. His areas of specialization include homiletics, leadership, communication, the millennial generation, and multi-sensory preaching and teaching. He teaches Studying and Teaching the Bible, Speech Communication, History of Biblical Preaching, Communication of Biblical Truth, Development and Delivery of Narrative Messages, Evangelistic Messages, Structure and Style in Biblical Preaching, Senior Seminar in Pastoral Ministry, Beginning Golf, Backpacking, and oversees all of the Pastoral Internships.
Educational Background:
BA, Moody Bible Institute
MDiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
MTh, University of Edinburgh
PhD, Gonzaga University
Postdoctoral Researcher, Truett Seminary -
C. Rappazini and N. Miller, Church Policies and Procedures: Common-Sense Guides for Administering Churches in a Complex World (Crown Management: July, 2020).
Peer-Reviewed Articles, Chapter Collections, and Other Contributions:
Regular Contributor to monthly devotional Today in the Word (Moody Publishing).
“Topical Preaching,” in M. Duduit (Ed.) Handbook of Contemporary Preaching 2nd Edition (B&H Publishing: Forthcoming)
“Officiating Your First Wedding” in M. Boyle, L. Norris, and K. Rodriguez (Ed.) The One Volume Seminary (Moody Publishing: Forthcoming).
“Helping Preachers Preach Acts,” (Preaching Today: May, 2021).
“Helping Preachers Preach Zephaniah,” (Preaching Today: May, 2021).
“Be Evangelical and Evangelistic,” The Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, 21:1 (April, 2021).
“Joshua,” in M. Kim and S. Gibson (Ed.) The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching: A Guide from Genesis to Revelation (Baker: March, 2021).
“Hosea,” in M. Kim and S. Gibson (Ed.) The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching: A Guide from Genesis to Revelation (Baker: March, 2021).
“1 Timothy,” in M. Kim and S. Gibson (Ed.) The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching: A Guide from Genesis to Revelation (Baker: March, 2021).
“2 Timothy,” in M. Kim and S. Gibson (Ed.) The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching: A Guide from Genesis to Revelation (Baker: March, 2021).
“What Has Been Written: Quantitative Studies on Homiletical Textbooks Used in Seminary Classrooms,” The Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, 19:2 (November, 2019).
“Helping Preachers Preach Titus,” (Preaching Today: June, 2019).
“Helping Preachers Preach James,” (Preaching Today: June, 2019).
“The Influence of Dr. Haddon W. Robinson on the Teaching of Homiletics in North American Evangelical Seminaries” PhD diss., Gonzaga University (April, 2019).
“The Value of Feedback” in S. Gibson (Ed.) Training Preachers: A Guide to Teaching Homiletics (Lexham Press: March 2019).
“On Preaching the Trinity: A Call to Preach” Theology Magazine (January, 2019).
“Mentoring Millennials and Other Young Whippersnappers.” In M. Kim (Ed.) No Program but Time, No Book but the Bible (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, July 2018).
“Great People Build Great Preachers,” The Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, 17:2 (November, 2017).
General Editor of God’s Greatest Gift: An Advent Devotional from MBI – Faculty and Staff (November, 2017).
“Begin with the End in Mind,” Preaching Today website (January, 2017).
“Pause and Turn Your Gratefulness into Thankfulness,” Preaching Today website (September, 2016).
Contributor of Preaching Assessment Test to Preaching Today website (August, 2016).
“The Use of Visual Aids in Preaching” MTh diss., University of Edinburgh (November, 2011).
Professional / Personal Interests:
Chris enjoys listening to sermons, preaching, playing and watching sports, backpacking and camping, and watching movies. He is a regular contributor to Today in the Word.